
Crypto research
10x faster

AskSatoshi is an AI agent to make crypto research easy by connecting to various data sources like defiLlama or coingecko.


Faster and more precise crypto search

AskSatoshi is very easy to use: just ask your question and it will gather multiple sources to answers

It is particularly efficient to get a fast overview of a complex subject, do fundamental analysis and find insider informations...


Find insider informations

Use the web search to find insider informations, news, events, etc.

Verify the fundamentals

Verify the fundamentals of the coin with tools like DefiLlama: the TVL, fees... etc.

Check the technicals

Check the technicals of the coin with tools like CoinGecko: the price, the chart, the market cap... etc.

Directly buy or sell

Using Li.Fi, you can directly buy or sell +2000 coins on +20 chains.


What our users say

"Love this tool! I'd love to see more data sources like bubblemaps or dune..."


💰 Retail trader 📊 Data analyst Manager

"Great app for doing your own research at lighting speed. It is especially useful if you want to understand the tech behind a product. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"

Andrei Bogdan

Indy Hacker

"Congrats, the experience is really pleasant and there is a real need to better inform about crypto."


DAOs Researcher


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